Forget needing long stem cuttings from an established plant, or going to the effort of uprooting your houseplants to divide, and try propagating these 5 popular houseplants from just a single leaf.

African violet

Corina Bianca via Unsplash


The African violet, a traditional houseplant once again gaining popularity, is adored for its soft grey-green leaves and stunning purple blooms. These plants can be easily grown from a single leaf cutting, resulting in more blooms throughout the season without any additional cost.

To propagate, use disinfected secateurs to remove a large, healthy leaf. Plant the leaf in a propagating mix and keep it moist until new growth emerges. Within a few months, new leaves should appear around the base of the cutting.

Snake plant

Drew Beamer via Unsplash

The snake plant is often considered the ideal houseplant for its tolerance of various conditions and low-maintenance nature. And in just a few simple steps, a single snake plant leaf can result in many more plants to add to your collection.

To begin, cut a healthy leaf at the base, choosing one without any damage or pest issues for the best chance of success. Cut the long leaf into sections, marking the bottom of each piece to ensure it’s planted root-side down.

Place the cuttings in a mix of equal parts of coconut coir and river sand or suspend the sections in a glass of filtered water using toothpicks. Within a few weeks, root growth should occur, indicating that the cutting is ready for transplantation into soil to grow into a mature snake plant.

ZZ plant

Nicolas Solerieu via Unsplash

The ZZ Plant, along with the Snake Plant, is one of the few plants that are often called impossible to kill. As many plant enthusiasts can attest, neglecting this houseplant for weeks or even months will not affect its appearance.

To propagate Zamioculcas zamiifolia from a single leaf, start by selecting a healthy stem. Remove a few leaves, taking part of the stem at the same time. Root these leaves in a seedling tray filled with propagating mix, burying only the very bottom of the leaf to prevent rotting. Keep the soil slightly moist until new growth develops, which can take a few months.

Jade plant

Kostiantyn Vierkieiev via Unsplash

Crassula ovata is a low-maintenance plant that can last a lifetime with proper care. It has a tree-like appearance when mature and produces beautiful clusters of pink and white star-shaped flowers.

To propagate new plants from leaves, start by removing the leaves and allowing them to callus over in a warm place for a few days. This will help prevent root rot and encourage rooting. Next, fill a pot with slightly damp potting soil and place the callused end of each leaf horizontally on top of the soil. Cover the callused end with a little soil and position the container in bright, indirect sunlight.

After a few weeks, gently tug on the leaves to check for rooting. If the leaves are securely rooted, water the soil well so that the roots start moving downwards. Continue to water the soil as needed until the new plants are ready to be transferred to their own containers.

Chinese money plant

Yu Xuan Lee via Unsplash

Pilea peperomioides, also known as the Chinese money plant or pancake plant, has attractive round leaves in a spherical shape. The leaves tend to grow towards light, so rotating the plant regularly is recommended to maintain this interesting look.

To propagate from a leaf, take a slice of the main trunk along with the leaf using a sharp knife. Ensure that only a small slice of the trunk is taken to avoid damaging the main plant and root in water. Change the water around once a week. After one to two months, new plantlets will form at the base of the stalk and can be planted in their own pot.

Featured image: Kara Eads via Unsplash