3 Summer annuals we love

Sow seeds of these fast-growing, sun-loving summer annuals – they’ll even reseed. Also try alyssum, candytuft, marigolds and sunflowers


1. Cosmos. Although naturalised in parts of South Africa, these showy annuals come from Central America; they can be tall or dwarf, single or double flowered in shades of red, pink, purple, white as well as yellow, and orange. Height: 30cm–1m.Cosmos

2. Viscaria (V. oculata) is a dainty annual in pastel shades of pink, lilac, blue, purple, mauve and white. Height: 20–30cm.Viscaria 3. Cleome is tall and branching with attractive foliage and spidery blooms in pink and white. Height: 1–1,5m.Cleome