Tomatoes are a fruit that is most commonly considered a vegetable. They’re a versatile food that can be a delicious addition to your meals. There is nothing like enjoying your first bite of a home-grown tomato. So why not start growing your own this autumn?

Start growing your tomatoes indoors

Just because it is too cold to have a tomato plant outside doesn’t mean you can’t get started beforehand. Tomatoes are usually planted in early spring but you can also grow healthy fresh tomatoes during the cooler autumn conditions. It might take some work and patience but it can be done.

If you plan on starting your tomato plant from a seed it is advisable to grow them indoors for a couple of weeks before you take them outdoors. Starting them indoors gives the seeds a happy, healthy head start. Depending on how the cooler/colder conditions are, your tomato crop might thrive differently.

Tomato plant in bucket on window sill indoors.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Protect your tomato crops

We are not the only ones who think tomatoes are delicious, bugs, birds, and pests believe so too. There are ways to protect your crops, not only from pests but also from the sometimes harsh, unpredictable cooler climates.

Cold frames can be used to protect young tomato crops from wind and frost. With the taller mature crops, you’ll want to support them with stakes or cages to make sure they don’t fall. Always stay vigilant about weather forecasts.

Greenhouse with small tomato plant seedlings growing to protect crops from cold

Image Credit: Unsplash

Always prune your tomato crop

Tomato plants will thrive when their excess foliage is pruned because it improves air circulation and allows sunlight to reach more parts of the crop.

When harvesting comes you will want to cut the tomatoes as soon as they’re ready and enjoy. Pruning will help improve tomato plants produce more fresh tomatoes.

A female gardener cuts green twigs of tomato tops

Image Credit: Unsplash


Tomato plants are sensitive, so protecting your tomato garden will help it grow and produce fresh fruits.


The top 5 plants every gardener should prune this month

Feature Image: Unsplash