From a snake plant to a fiddle leaf, the bigger the plant, the better the space – well, at least aesthetically. As a millennial, I have about 20 plants in my lounge alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love every one of them; but sometimes I wonder if I genuinely love plants or just the idea of how they look in the space.Are we going green or are plants just for the decor aesthetic

Career and caregiving, the tricky balance

As a fashion editor in the media space, my career requires a lot of my time, sometimes in the early mornings and at other times during midnight shoots. This type of schedule does not allow for too much responsibility at home, but personally, plants do allow you the opportunity to nurture at a very achievable pace. It allows me to travel without stress. As a millennial, our careers are put first; generally, kids and marriage come later in life. For now, the ability to get excited for a new baby leaf coming out is cute enough.

Sometimes living in a big city or simply just in an apartment building, you do not always have a yard space or any greenery around you. Bringing nature inside definitely brings a different energy to an inside space. It gives you the feeling of being outside while simply lounging on your couch.

Are we going green or are plants just for the decor aestheticHaving plants around has improved my feeling of  ‘looking after myself’ as I tend to their needs with a good watering and washing day once a week. So whether some of us have it for the aesthetic or simply because we love nature, I think our love for it has a positive impact on our lives and general well-being.

Are we going green or are plants just for the decor aesthetic

Are we going green or are plants just for the decor aesthetic

Written by Rojaun Devos

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3 low maintenance houseplants for lazy plant parents

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Feature image via Pexels