The jade plant is part of the stonecrop, crassulaceae, succulent plant family. Scientifically known as the crassula ovata, and commonly known as the friendship plant, money plant, or silver dollar plant. It has thick, woody stems topped by green, oval-shaped fleshy leaves.
The thick sun-loving leaves are bright and appealing. The jade plant should be placed in a particular spot in the home or garden as all parts of the plant are toxic to cats and dogs
How to care for Jade plant
The Jade plant is a succulent that stores water in its leaves, stems, and roots. It is an indoor ornamental sensation throughout the world. This succulent is used as a landscape plant in mild climates. It makes a good houseplant as it grows well in the restricted root space of containers, is relatively slow-growing, likes the warm, dry conditions found in most homes, and tolerates neglect.

Image credit: Pixabay
Soil: The jade plant can survive and thrive in a variety of soil types. When growing indoors, prepare suitable conditions for its blend of sand, potting soil, and a handful of perlite for potting the plant.
Watering: Water the plant frequently during the spring and summer to keep the soil moist. Do not overwater the plant, water it when the topsoil is dry. In the winter, reduce watering to about once per month.
Light: Jade plants do best with four or more hours of direct sun, but they will survive in bright, indirect light. Inadequate light will produce a plant with deep green leaves and drooping stems – there is nothing wrong with the plant other than it doesn’t have enough light to produce normal compact growth and reddish coloration.

Image credit: Pixabay
Pruning: Remove any dead or unhealthy stem to encourage new growth. Shaping and pruning the plant is essential for the overall health and growth of it.
The jade plant, with its charm and resilience, is a perfect addition to any indoor or outdoor space. It’s easy-care nature, coupled with its aesthetic appeal, makes it a favourite among plant enthusiasts.
Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, the jade plant is a delightful companion that brings beauty and a touch of greenery to your home. Just remember to care for it thoughtfully and place it safely if you have pets.
Featured image: Pixabay