Not only do these candles smell like Christmas – cinnamon, woody pine, gingerbread – but soy wax is natural, eco-friendly, vegan and anti-toxic. If you add essential oils, you can use them for massages, too.

Give it a week before using your candle. If the top of it isn’t smooth or has holes, top it up with wax.

Hands-on time 15 min

Total time 1 hr

Makes 1


250 grams soy wax

Candle container

Candlewick centre



0.6 ml fragrance or essential oil (per 100 grams soy wax)

Pouring cup

Heat source – double boiler

Stirring utensil

festive scented candles 2



1 Place soy wax in a double boiler. Once melted, remove from heat, stir in fragrance or essential oil. Allow to cool, until it appears cloudy.

2 Prep candle container by cleaning it thoroughly. Dab glue underneath the candlewick centre and place it in the centre of the container. Use chopsticks to hold the wick in place.

3 Pour soy wax mixture into the candle container slowly. Allow to cool, then remove the wick centre and cut the wick to size.


How to fix candle tunneling

Article originally written and published on Food&Home by Bianca Muller

Recipe supplied by Deniz Köksal of Earthglo Candles in Hout Bay. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram