This is a good time to transplant roses that are not performing well as a result of shade from nearby trees and shrubs or are simply in the wrong spot
Roses can also be repotted in June if the rose has outgrown its container or the potting mix needs to be replaced.
Watering: Water once every two weeks. Roses don’t mind being watered more often if they are watered by an automatic garden irrigation system.
Fertilising: No more fertilising is needed, except if you live in frost-free subtropical areas.
Pest and Disease Control: Spraying for pests and diseases can stop.

- Before transplanting a rose, prepare the new position first by loosening the soil and mixing in plenty of compost.
- Cut back the foliage by a third to a half. Dig a circle around the rose, about 30cm from the stems. Push the spade in deeply and at a slight angle in order to cut the roots anchoring the rose. Once the roots have been cut, lever the rose out of the soil using the spade or two spades on either side of the rose. Do not pull the rose out.
- Transplant as soon as possible, making sure that the rose is planted at the correct depth with the bud union just below the level of the soil. Firm the soil around the rose bush and water well.
- If it is not possible to transplant them immediately, roses can be kept under a moist cover in a cool shady place like a garage for about a week.
- Water every three days until sprouting takes place, then reduce watering. In winter prune as normal.