Aloe vera is widely used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and skincare. Why not have this gorgeous flowering succulent planted in your very own garden?

Take advantage of all of its health benefits and in the winter, watch as radiant orange flowers populate your plants en masse. 

Aloe is indigenous to Southern Africa and grows well even in near desert regions. This means it is water efficient and therefore sustainable to plant in your backyard. 

Benefits of aloe vera

Known for its remarkable medicinal properties, good in relieving digestive issues as well as accelerating healing from burns. This plant is actually a must-have among the succulents in your garden.

Here are some benefits of planting aloe in your garden. 

Relieves indigestion

Plant extracts in aloe are proven to assist with digestive problems. The sap that aloe is known for can be diluted in water and consumed as an elixir to help relieve digestive issues. 

Heals the skin from burns

Whether you made contact with a very hot surface or simply got a little sunburnt from being outside, aloe extract has proven healing properties that help soothe the skin from irritation caused by heat. 

Natural laxative

Aloe is also helpful for detoxification and treating constipation. When you dilute the aloe sap in water and drink regularly, aloe can assist with detoxing the body after a season of total indulgence.

We would use this method as kids after all the festivities over the June and December holidays. We called this remedy ukrakrayo alluding to the bitter taste of the aloe sap.

Acts as an antibacterial mouthwash

According to a 2014 study published in the Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, aloe vera has natural properties that offer the same results as a chemical-based mouthwash. This study showed that aloe could reduce plaque buildup which is the cause of gum-related diseases.

Anti-ageing and skin care agent

Another study found that aloe gel could improve dry skin conditions as well as increase collagen length. Properties in aloe vera contain agents which help skin heal itself through collagen production. This makes aloe a great anti-ageing agent when applied to the skin.

Where to find it

The aloe trees grow wild in certain regions in South Africa, such as the Eastern Cape. So there was not much need to have them planted in your own yard if you live in an aloe-rich area. But if you live in an area that is unlike this one, it’s still an added benefit to ask your nearest nursery for information on this plant.

Also see: How to divide and repot aloes

Featured image: Pexels