Your winter garden prep should not be a hassle, but should actually excite you!

The winter has settled in on us and there is just no better time to tend to our winter garden needs. Prepping your garden for winter is a task we should all get excited about. Now is the perfect time to tend to your soil, plant water loving flowers and veggies, as well as checking on your garden infrastructure. 

WATCH: 16 Tips to Prepare Your Garden For Winter

Plant water-lovers 

winter garden prep

Image credit: Pexels

If you live in a wet-winter region, then your best bet for your winter garden prep is to plant water-loving  vegetable plants. Lettuce is a good start, as well as cabbage and spinach. If you want to try water-loving flowers, then plant lavender and day-lilies.

Plant indoors

Image credit: Pexels

There are plants which simply won’t fair well against harsh winters, so plant these indoors to get the best results. Having an indoor greenhouse is a great way to achieve this and has the added benefit of allowing you to plant seeds indoors all year round.

Collect leaves and grass clippings

Image credit: Pexels

Fallen leaves are great for composting and combined with cut grass from your nicely mowed lawn, provide your winter garden with essential nutrients for the soil. You have more than an abundance of these since the winter season started, for sure. 

Audit your garden infrastructure

Winter is the perfect time to spend on your garden’s structure without breaking your back in the blistering heat. Check that all your beds are still standing strong and that your fencing is intact. Maintaining the garden’s infrastructure in winter also means you are keeping all the critters out and your garden protected from the elements.

Expand your garden

The winter months offer the perfect time to make some additional beds in your garden. With the fallen rain, the soil is nice and soft for handling. This also makes propagation easier and provides for a far more pleasant gardening experience than firm soil in summer. 

Also see: Relaxing outdoors: how to optimize your garden for summer

Featured image: Pexels